Event Panel Feature- Shenay Fraser

Women in Trades NZ would like to introduce you to Shenay Fraser- Composite Apprentice at Rocket Lab, and one of our panellists for our 2021 Getting Women into Trades Event.

If you are attending the event on August 19, and have any questions for Shenay, make a note and bring them along- you will have the opportunity to ask questions of all our panellists at the end of the panel session.

WIT: Tell us about yourself, what do you enjoy? What do you do for fun outside of work?

Shenay: Hi, I’m Shenay Fraser and I’m a Composite Apprentice at Rocket Lab. I’ve been here for just over two years working with carbon fibre parts, and learning from an awesome group of highly skilled technicians. Outside of work I enjoy keeping myself entertained with fitness as well as working on my cars, and spending time with my amazing family.

WIT: What trade do you work in and what experience do you have within your trade? Did you make a change from a more traditional career?

Shenay: Two years ago, Composites was something I’d never heard of before. When I found out I could learn on the job and be hands on, I knew it was exactly what I wanted to do. In school I was more into the fun, crafty subjects like art, graphics, and hard materials.

I’d initially been interested in going to university to study Architecture, but decided an apprenticeship route would be a better choice for me. Being just over half way through my apprenticeship, I still have so much to learn- I doubt the learning will ever stop with the way the future is evolving! Especially when you realise carbon fibre is everywhere. From Space, to the race track, sailing the oceans, and on the farms. You can go anywhere in the world and build anything!

WIT: What do you find most enjoyable/rewarding about working in your trade?

Shenay: One of the most enjoyable and rewarding aspects of my job would be the fact I build actual rockets! Since it’s my daily norm I sometimes forget how epic it really is. I also love that I’m working with such a great group of people- good people always make for a great workplace environment.

I find it extremely rewarding that I’m expanding on my knowledge with a variety of beneficial skills which will follow me into the future with anything I decide to build. It’s incredible to know I’m working on a launch vehicle that transports satellites to space to help improve life on earth!

WIT: What have you found most challenging and how did you overcome these challenges?

Shenay: Something I find challenging is seeing the men do things I can’t do so well. Such as lifting some objects or having more strength to do some things faster than what I can. This just means I’ve got to find a solution to make those tasks work better for me. For example, when it comes to being vertically challenged, I find something suitable to stand on. With tasks that include strength, I give it a go, but if it’s not going my way, I’ll ask for help. There’s never any shame in asking for help- you’re part of a team for a reason!

When it comes to being slower, just know that over time, with more experience and confidence you’ll increase in speed. No-one likes to admit they have weaknesses, but just know that everyone has them, and you’ll see that you'll find your own strengths.

WIT: What advice would you give re finding a job / the interview process? Or starting out fresh in a new company as a new apprentice? Do you have any words of support/encouragement?

Shenay: My words of encouragement to any women of any age who are interested in a trade are to simply have a positive mindset, get out there and give it a go. Learning isn’t always easy, but with passion, drive, and determination you’ll be able to achieve anything you want to!

WIT: Do you have any goals for the future?

Shenay: My future goals are to complete my apprenticeship and continue on with my trade, or potentially look into a second apprenticeship to learn more new skills about something else that piques my interest. I’d also like to raise more awareness around women getting into trades. It’s such a rewarding career option that can take you anywhere- along with it being a great journey of self- improvement to make you a stronger woman, mentally and physically.

WIT would like to say a huge thank you to Shenay for taking the time to help us get to know a little about her trade journey, ahead of hearing from her in person at the upcoming event.

If you haven't got your FREE tickets yet- head to our event page HERE for all the info and tickets!


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